Thursday, January 7, 2010

Moving Kitchen I Am Moving Into A Rental House And The Kitchen Is Painted A Mint Green.What Colors Go Well With It?

I am moving into a rental house and the kitchen is painted a mint green.What colors go well with it? - moving kitchen

I have to be dark red leather sofas, chairs, etc. used in the NRIGHT in the kitchen, does not alter my photos framed in black and muddy color pieces.My Ownership color choices.Help terrible!


Allergic To Eggs said...

Oh, I feel the pain. I would say the color of peanut butter and honey

Megan M said...

Dark purple, is used as a contrasting color. He seems to love bright colors, and try to see, how are you. Or you can go with black and red, as you have the colors of your home.

meercat said...

Are you choose the colors to go with curtains and accessories? Dark things differently would be particularly pleasant. the sofa is dark red. You mentioned the "black box" that sounds good.

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